Good Morning everyone. Today I would like to discuss the benefits of Witch Hazel. The name Witch Hazel derives from the Old English word for "pliant"(fleixible) and in fact the limber branches were used to make archery bows. The "witch" in the name Witch Hazel comes from the Anglo-Saxon word meaning "to bend." The Indians drank Witch Hazel tea as a general tonic and used it as a gargle for mouth and throat irritations. Witch Hazel has been one of the most commonest home remedies in America. Consisting of Witch hazel bark, twigs and leaves mixed with alcohol and water, it has been used mainly as an astringent(binding agent). It can be applied to strained and bruised muscles, or as a cold compress over a fevered brow. Witch Hazel has a strong astringent action and is effective in stopping bleeding, both internally and externally. It reduces swelling and inflammation from bruises, hemorrhoids and helps relieve varicose veins. The tea or fluid extract is one of nature's best remedies for stopping excessive menstruation, hemorrhages from the lungs, stomach, nose, uterus, kidneys and rectum. There is not an inf- lammed condition internally or externally that will not be benefitted by the use of this remedy.
Here is a small list of benefits obtained from the uses of Witch Hazel: bleeding(internal-stops), hemorrhages, hemorrhoids, inflammation(external), insect bits, mucous membranes, bed sores, swellings, and wound washing. As you can see the benefits of Witch Hazel are tremendous, so if you or someone you know is looking for an aid with the above listed conditions give Witch Hazel a try and let me know the results. There is much that can be said about the benefits of Witch Hazel but I will stop here. So in your quest for good health today, do me and yourself a favor do a good deed. GOD willing a good deed will replace a bad one. Check out the store today Have a great day!!
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Thought of the Day: Success is usually disguised behind hard work. Will you let success stay hidden from you or will you actively seek it out and enjoy it? It has been said that when a door closes a window opens. This is the window of opportunity.
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