Medicine vs. Nature

Good Monday morning everybody. My topic this morning is a sensitive one. When you tell people about herbs and natural healing, you normally get the response of "I know herbs are good for you that's what they make medicine out of." O.K. if you know that medicine is derived from the herb then why not go straight to the source of the matter instead of filling your body with made man chemicals and additives that does your body more harm than good. Sure you get temporary relief of the symptom you're trying to treat, but what about the big picture? The long run, your overall long term health? An argument that people use not to take herbs is also that they take too long to work. I say Rome was not built in a day. Why not find some kind of herbal supplement and integrate it into your daily life so that it can be a preventative measure for you instead of a cure. If you don't get sick you want need to be healed. And if by chance you do get sick you'll already have some herbs in your system, further speeding up the healing process. So in your quest for good health today, do me and yourself a favor, do a good deed. Remember GOD willing a good deed cancels out a bad one, and one we're going to need every good deed we wished we would have done. Have a blessed day. Click here and go shopping http://astore.amazon.com/heame-20.

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