When I was around 20 years old I remember going to truck driving school, and having to take a physical. When I went to the doctor he recommended walking at least ___ miles a day. I looked at him and thought to myself, if this will help me live to get your age then I better start immediately. Guess what? I did not start then. And the funny thing about that is I forgot about his advice until one day, I just decided to start walking. I came to realize that walking keeps you healthy, and it makes you feel good physically and emotionally. People often times trick themselves, by saying I don't have time to do this or I don't have time to do that. For me personally it takes only about 45 min-1 hr. per day to walk 3.5 miles, and I feel great afterwards. I even take my ten month old son with me from time to time. And how do I do that you might ask. I push him in his stroller.
Where can you find that 45min to 1 hr.? Entertainment. Everything that you do that pertains to entertaining yourself can be converted into time for getting yourself healthy. Trust me Godwilling, I am sure you will love the benefits that you will recieve after only about 3 days of being consistent on your new walking program. By the way that doctor looked like he was about 80 years old, and still going strong. As I said at the time I was about 20 and I felt that I was healthy. And I say that to say this, there's always room for improvement, no matter how healthy you thing you are or how this or how that always reach for the top level of heaven. As we all know we can never physically touch that top level from earth so, what does that mean? It means that if your goal is the top level of heaven and you know that you can't reach it from here, then you will spend the rest of your life reaching for higher heights. We should seek to better ourselves from the craddle to the grave. Don't forget to do a good deed today. Peace!! I welcome all comments and feed back so feel free to comment with any ideas, suggestions, rants & raves or whatever else is on your mind at the time. Just remember to please keep it clean.
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