Good Morning. Check the archive for your specific health issues. There is a wealth of information there. The archive is in the right side bar almost at the end of the page. Have a blessed day.

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Thought of the Day: Never give up hope, where there is a will there is a way. Check the archive for more daily inspirational comments. There is one at the end of each post.



Good Morning. The topic of our discussion this morning is Kelp. Kelp is a plant of the sea and is harvested off the coast of many of the oceans of the world, in places like California, Norway, and many others. As a product of the ocean, it contains many of the elements that the oceans contain. Kelp is one of those plants that is readily available and usable to mankind for many purposes and nutrition is one among them. Among the many elements in Kelp are the minerals to include iodine, bromine, alginic acid, alginates and their organic salts. Japanese studies show a direct relationship between the ingestion of the Algin contained in Kelp and the prevention of breast cancer and have concluded that Algin is responsible. Kelp helps promote healthy growth of the hair, skin and nails, it helps to balance the effects of stress, guards against sickness, aids digestion and respiration and generally promotes a healthy functioning balanced system. Kelp provides nutritional support to the nervous system and heart and is important in herbal combinations used for improving mental alertness. Kelp is also good for these conditions: acne, cleaning arteries, prevention of birth defect, complexion, eczema, energy, fingernails, infection menopause, morning sickness, obesity pregnancy, and tumors. There are many more but I only named the ones that are easily recognizable. There is much unsaid in this post about Kelp I left out a great plenty for lack of time this morning. Please forgive me. So in your quest for good health today do me and yourself a favor, do a good deed. GOD willing a good deed will replace a bad one. Click here and check out my store today http://astore.amazon.com/heame-20.
Have a great day.

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Thought of the Day: Goals, FULL SPEED AHEAD, and don't look back.



Good morning. Today we'll discuss Sage. As with many of the herbs of ancient, Sage has its unique history. It was thought of as the savior of mankind. Sage is considered a memory strengthener and the promoter of the growth of wisdom. It has been thought of as associated with longevity and as restoring failing memories of the elderly. Among its many uses has been its abilities to slow down the secretion of fluids which reduces excessive perspiration (night sweats) and excessive sweating of menopausal hot flashes. Sage is known to be useful for nervousness, trembling and depression. It is used for a deodorizer, from the inside out, and as a gargle for sore throats. The American Indians used sage for a number of reasons, including: a salve, they used the leaves to massage over their gums and teeth, and their baths for rubdowns and as an infusion. If the Indians had problems and their was nothing else to use, Sage being common was around, so it got used for whatever the problem might be. Surprisingly many times it helped, so the word got out and others used it. Sage is also useful to quiet nerves, relieve spasms and expel worms from children and adults. It is credited with being a powerful antioxidant, it shrinks inflamed tissue and decreases perspiration, cleans old ulcers and sores. It is beneficial for mental exhaustion and strengthening the ability to concentrate. It improves memory and has been used to cure some types of insanity. Here is a list of some of the other known benefits of Sage: baldness, coughs, diabetes, digestive disorders, fevers, memory, mouth sores, night sweats, sores, sore throat, and worms. As I always state the list does not end here, this was just the beginning. So if you or anyone you know is suffering from any of the stated conditions, give Sage a try, you'll probably be glad you did. So in your quest for good health today do me and yourself a favor, do a good deed. GOD willing a good deed will replace a bad one. Check out my store today http://astore.amazon.com/heame-20 and buy you and your loved ones something nice. Have a great day!!

Thought of the day: Because something happened to you yesterday does not mean that it will happen to you tomorrow. If there is something you can change about the situation, change it and give the situation your best effort, and remember failure is not an option.

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Good Morning everybody. Are you suffering from a sore throat? Coughs? Colds? This morning we will discuss the power of Licorice, an aid in helping with these symptoms. Licorice contains Glycyrrhizinic acid which is 50 times sweeter than sugar cane, but will not increase the thirst. As a matter of fact Licorice will alleviate thirst. Alexander the Great supposedly supplied his troops with licorice sticks to chew on, that alleviated thirst and kept their energy levels up which helped them to win battles. Licorice is recommended for soothing throats and quenching thirst. Licorice root effects the concentrations of blood salts and stimulates and sustains adrenal function, yet protects the liver which is the body's detoxification plant insuring its purity from liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. Licorice root acts in the body like the cortin hormone and assists in helping the body handle the stress, allowing blood sugar levels to remain normal giving a general feeling of well-being. Glycyrrihin, one of the chemicals found in Licorice, has a chemical structure similar to that of human steroid hormones. It helps to raise blood sugar levels to normal. Perhaps the most common medicinal use is in cough syrups and cough drops. Licorice soothes the chest and helps to bring up phlegm. It soothes and heals inflamed mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Occasionally, Licorice root elevates blood pressure, and it has been recommended that if blood pressure is a problem, then one should use licorice root with potassium. Here is a small list of the benefits of Licorice use: blood cleanser, poor circulation, colds, coughs(soothe throat), diabetes (raises blood sugar), female problems, hoarseness, lung problems, sexual stimulant, sore throat, vitality, and voice. There you have it, just some of the benefits of using Licorice. If you or someone you know maybe suffering from any of the above symptoms give Licorice a try, you may love the results. So in your quest for good health today, do me and yourself a favor, do a good deed. GOD willing a good deed will replace a bad one. Click here http://astore.amazon.com/heame-20 and shop till you drop. Have a great day.

Thought of the day: Whether in your personal life or your spiritual life, remember GOD in all things, he will remember you. Being religious is not just a one day per week thing, its a way of life.

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Witch Hazel

Good Morning everyone. Today I would like to discuss the benefits of Witch Hazel. The name Witch Hazel derives from the Old English word for "pliant"(fleixible) and in fact the limber branches were used to make archery bows. The "witch" in the name Witch Hazel comes from the Anglo-Saxon word meaning "to bend." The Indians drank Witch Hazel tea as a general tonic and used it as a gargle for mouth and throat irritations. Witch Hazel has been one of the most commonest home remedies in America. Consisting of Witch hazel bark, twigs and leaves mixed with alcohol and water, it has been used mainly as an astringent(binding agent). It can be applied to strained and bruised muscles, or as a cold compress over a fevered brow. Witch Hazel has a strong astringent action and is effective in stopping bleeding, both internally and externally. It reduces swelling and inflammation from bruises, hemorrhoids and helps relieve varicose veins. The tea or fluid extract is one of nature's best remedies for stopping excessive menstruation, hemorrhages from the lungs, stomach, nose, uterus, kidneys and rectum. There is not an inf- lammed condition internally or externally that will not be benefitted by the use of this remedy.
Here is a small list of benefits obtained from the uses of Witch Hazel: bleeding(internal-stops), hemorrhages, hemorrhoids, inflammation(external), insect bits, mucous membranes, bed sores, swellings, and wound washing. As you can see the benefits of Witch Hazel are tremendous, so if you or someone you know is looking for an aid with the above listed conditions give Witch Hazel a try and let me know the results. There is much that can be said about the benefits of Witch Hazel but I will stop here. So in your quest for good health today, do me and yourself a favor do a good deed. GOD willing a good deed will replace a bad one. Check out the store today http://astore.amazon.com/heame-20 Have a great day!!

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Thought of the Day: Success is usually disguised behind hard work. Will you let success stay hidden from you or will you actively seek it out and enjoy it? It has been said that when a door closes a window opens. This is the window of opportunity.