Can I take a Break?

Good Morning Everybody. Psychologist say that taking a break in the afternoon promotes good health. Actually studies say that taking a short nap in the afternoons promotes good health, this short nap allows our bodies to decompress, unwind, and rejuvenate. This afternoon nap can increase metabolism, relieve stress, anxiety, tension, and depression. Most of us are unable to take an afternoon nap, so that's why I titled this one, Can I take a Break? One author writes, that using special music or relaxation CDs help during this 15 min. period. By taking these 15 min. breaks/naps, you feel more centered, and you seem to have increased levels of physical energy. So now that you know this, in the afternoons when you have a few minutes to spare, you can take a short nap/break and revitalize yourself and be ready for whatever else life sends your way. So I your quest for good health today, do me and yourself a favor, do a good deed. Remember, GOD willing a good deed will replace a bad one. Have a nice Day!! Visit this link http://astore.amazon.com/heame-20 and buy you and/or your loved ones something nice today. Studies have shown that acts of kindness stimulate the body's immune system, giving us a greater sense of peace and centeredness. Once again have a great day!!

Phrase of the Day: The word is, that smiling at your fellow man is an act of kindness.

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