Good Morning everybody. It has been noted that, If you want to loose weight then eating spicy foods help. Hot foods supposedly increase your metabolism and makes you burn fat quicker. For me personally this sounds to easy. Are you trying to tell me that if a person that's overweight eats hot peppers, and hot sauce, and all kinds of other spicy foods then they will loose weight? That sounds crazy, more over that sounds like you are creating more health problems for yourself with all of that spice! Okay let's analize this in further detail. Well, the key to all good things that you do in life, except for the service of GOD you do it in moderation. Sure the study says eat hot foods and it will increase your metabolism. But if you add muscle through exercise you increase your body's metabolism. Muscle is supposed to burn fat, but if we exercise for 1 day and eat hot peepers for 1 day, are we going to loose weight? Probably not. Good health has been analogized by a train ride. Sometimes the ride gets rough, and the train gets a little behind schedule, but if you get off before you reach your stop, you never reach your destination. In plain and simple terms, this means that good health does not come overnight, when the ride gets bumpy and the going gets tough you have to realize that, this is not my stop, I can't get off here. Consistency is wise. Stay on the train until the end of your journey. That way you can reap the benefits of your hard work. So in your quest for good health today, do me and yourself a favor. Do a good deed, remember GOD willing a good deed wipes out a bad one. Have a great day!! Click here and go shopping.
Phrase of the Day: GOD said in his Holy Book that, "with every difficulty there is relief. Verily with every difficulty there is relief." So never give up hope, keep striving 'till your very last breathe to accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish. As long as it is in accordance with the commandments of GOD, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
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