Good Morning Everybody. The hot topic of the day is Scullcap. Scullcap is a herb that was considered in the old times to be a remedy for rabies. It's name was derived from the Latin "scutella" which means small dish in reference to the shape of the flower, which resembles a cap in appearance. Scullcap calms the nervous system without narcotic properties, quiets the person and often brings about natural sleep. It has been said that, Scullcap is a slow-working, but sure remedy for practically all nervous affections, but must be taken on the regular basis for a long period of time to be a permanent benefit. Scullcap gives a person the feeling of inner calm allowing a relaxed sleep. It is effective in easing the problems associated with drug and alcohol withdrawal and drug use. Scullcap is well noted for its abilities in spasmodic afllictions as with St. Vitus's Dance (involuntary jerking motion), epilepsy; etc., acting to quiet the nerves. Scullcap helps rebuild nerve endings in the brain. It is also beneficial to use for headaches arising from excessive coughing due to a nervous condition. Some of the main benefits of Scullcap are: anxiety, convulsions, epilepsy, exhaustion (nervous), fevers, INFERTILITY, insomnia, muscle twitching, nervous conditions, restlessness, rheumatism, and sleeplessness. If you or someone you know are suffering from any of these conditions, here's the help you've been looking for. As noted earlier with this and most other herbs, it is wise to take them on the regular basis so that they will have time to work in your system. I am a firm believer that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. So in your quest for good health today do me and yourself a favor, do a good deed. And remember, GOD willing a good deed replaces a bad one. Have a great day!! Click here and browse around the store, you might see something that you like and can afford to purchase today. Peace!!
Thought of the Day: Goals are the driving force of our lives. Are you motivated to achieve yours?
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