Thought of the Day: Even though times may get rough and seem a little unbearable, you have to hold on to the faith, and remember what GOD promised to those who strive with their might and main to follow his commandments. Whatever that promise might mean to you.
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The Unknown Secrets of Basil
Thought of the Day: If you cover your brothers faults, then GOD willing on the DAY OF JUDGEMENT GOD will cover yours.
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Thought of the Day: Everything that you are doing that is not productive is a waste of time. Every breath we take brings us closer to death. How do you want known for spending your life??
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Thought of the day: Whether we believe it or not, one day we will have to stand before GOD to answer for how we lived our lives on this earth. All of the scriptures that we encounter throughout the course of our lives are not mere coincidence. They were put here for a reason. Let's try to follow them to the best of our abilities, so that we will at least have a chance on the day when the dead are brought back to life.
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The Healing Power of Ginger
Thought of the Day: To me, the hardest thing in life has been the internal struggle that a person goes through in order to stay on the right path, and to overcome the evil suggestions of the avowed enemy to mankind. GOD willing consistency of purpose and time will bring about a change in all of us. Peace!!
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Do you Like Celery?
Thought of the Day: Mistakes are the foundation of our experience. Let's learn from them, become a better person because of them, and let's not keep making the same ones again and again.
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No More Anxiety
Thought of the Day: Goals are the driving force of our lives. Are you motivated to achieve yours?
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Help With That Cold
Thought of the Day: Sometimes in life you have to take one step back in order to take three forward. Change is something that is inevitable in our lives, let's be prepared for mentally, physically, and spiritually because we know it's coming.
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Garlic Power
Thought of the Day: The best speech you can give is by your actions. Instead of telling a person what to do show them. And continue to show them by the way you live your life.
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PepperMint Oil
Thought of the Day: GOD is not going to do your work for you. You have to take all necessary provisions, put your complete trust in him, and strive to accomplish what it is you want to accomplish, and if it is his will, he will help you in the areas in which you have no control of.
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Thought of the Day: Consistency and persistence are 2 of the key ingredients for success. So if at first you don't succeed, brush yourself off and try again. And then if you don't succeed brush yourself off and try again. And then if you don't succeed try another route, and hold on to your faith, because man/woman was not created without purpose.
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Exam Day
and please feel free to click on the comments icon at the end of this post and leave me a comment.
Phrase of the Day: GOD loves those who put their complete trust in him, and calls on him again and again offering him their complete devotion.
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Ginko biloba
Phrase of the Day: Prepare for Tomorrow today, so when tomorrow arrives you'll be prepared for it.
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Can I take a Break?
Phrase of the Day: The word is, that smiling at your fellow man is an act of kindness.
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Aloe Vera
Good Morning Everybody.Today's topic is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is known worldwide for it's healing properties. The inter part of the aloe vera plant or the gel is rich in over 200 nutrients known to be beneficial to mankind. According to some studies, aloe vera is one of the oldest known therapeutic herbs. The enzymes in aloe vera softens skin and fight the effects of aging. It has been reported that aloe vera has been widely used in the Holistic medicinal treatment of the HIV virus. It supposedly shields the virus from entering one cell of the body to the next, therefore preventing the virus from spreading throughout the body. Aloe vera is also believed to boost the immune system by balancing the pH of the blood and increases digestion and absorption. Aloe vera is also instrumental in the treatment of burns. There are a number of other uses for aloe vera, both internally and externally. Some of these uses include: bleeding, digestion, eczema, insect bites, stomach problems and tuberculosis, just to name a few. From the sounds of this, aloe vera is one of those heal all herbs and should be kept around the house at all times. It sounds like aloe vera can be taken periodically as a preventative supplement to maintain good health, and to avoid any of the serious conditions that aloe vera is used to treat. So in your quest for good health today, do me and yourself a favor, do a good deed. Remember GOD willing, a good deed replaces a bad one, and they say what goes around comes around. And I know when whatever comes around to me, I sure want it to be good. Have a great day!! Click here http://astore.amazon.com/heame-20 and buy you and/or your loved ones something nice today.
Phrase of the Day: People say that they believe in GOD with there mouths, but their actions show something totally different. If a person really believes in GOD, then he/she would do their utmost to follow what they know of GOD's commands, whether openly or secretly, preferably secretly, so that your actions will testify for you, and not your mouth. If you are obedient to GOD you stand a far better chance of your prayers getting answered. So ask yourself what are your actions saying for you? Are they testifying for you or against you?
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If You're Interested.
Phrase of the Day: GOD said in his Holy Book that, "with every difficulty there is relief. Verily with every difficulty there is relief." So never give up hope, keep striving 'till your very last breathe to accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish. As long as it is in accordance with the commandments of GOD, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
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Slow Food Please
Phrase of the Day: A wise man once said, speak good or don't speak at all. Before you tell your brothers/sisters faults talk about your own first.
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Time to Get Over the Hump
Click here http://astore.amazon.com/ and browse around the store, you might see something that you like and purchase it.
Phrase of the day: Where there is a will there is a way. First and foremost turn your face to GOD and then strive to achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve. There's always going to be obstacles but we have to overcome them one obstacle at a time.
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See You Tommorow
Phrase of the Day: If you don't stand for nothing you'll fall for anything. So whatever you do in life get a good strong knowlegde of it put your trust in GOD and stand firm to your beliefs.
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Don't Over do it!!
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THE THOUGHT OF THE DAY: If you can help it, there's somebody out there that is hungry, all the left over food that you have please don't throw it away drop it off at the homeless shelter, or to someone you know that's less fortunate than you. Thank you. May GOD reward you with a great reward.
Hey Honey!!
Thought of the Day: If a person knows everything, what can you teach him? absolutely nothing because he/she knows everything. Let's not become unteachable. Let's try and keep our minds open so that we can continue to learn from the cradle to the grave.
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Can I Get Some Sleep?
Quote of the Day: No matter how bad you think your situation is in life there is always someone with a situation that's worst than yours. So keep your head up, consider yourself blessed and make the best of every situation.
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Medicine vs. Nature
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Whole Food Supplements
Click here http://astore.amazon.com/heame-20 and buy you and/or your loved ones something nice today.
Thought of the Day: Good health and free time are two of the most important resources that man has after an insured faith in GOD. Are we using these resources to better our lives and the lives of others or are we wasting our time and life here on earth?
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Remind Me Later
Phrase of the Day: Life never goes the way we expect it to. Set your heart towards what you to achieve and expect the unexpected.
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Water Please
Phrase of the Day: Weither you think you can, or weither you think you can't you are absolutely right. So please know that you can.
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An Apple a Day
Phrase of the Day:Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream. If you want to turn your dreams into a reality, then turn your face towards GOD and actively pursue your dreams like there is no tommorow.
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From My Experience Part 2
Phrase of the Day: Weither you beleive in GOD or not, he does exist.
Remember a journey of a 1000 miles begins with the 1st. step.
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From My experience
My testimony is, the colon cleanse made me feel, look, and think that I was healthy. After two months of following a disciplined program, I was more conscious of what I put in body, and the activities I got involved in. Even though I was not interested in losing any weight, I think I probably lost about 10-15 lbs. maybe more maybe less. The point of this story is, for anyone wanting to loss weight and/or just trying to become more healthy, I think a colon cleanse is a great place to start. May GOD Bless you on your journey to a healthier you. Please leave me a comment, a question, or a gripe.
P.S. Bare in mind that I am not a doctor, nor is this medical advice, it is only my opinion, and my personal experince.
Phrase of the Day: If you do what you've always done, then you will get what you've always got. So if you want different results in your life, try different avenues.
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My health tip of the of the day is don't destroy yourself by your own hands. Use the knowledge you have gained over the course of the years to try and improve your current situation, physically and mentally. And most importantlly, remember GOD he will remember you. Have a great day!! Peace.
P.S. click on the vistaprint tab to the right and get yourself 250 free business cards.
Time for self
Where can you find that 45min to 1 hr.? Entertainment. Everything that you do that pertains to entertaining yourself can be converted into time for getting yourself healthy. Trust me Godwilling, I am sure you will love the benefits that you will recieve after only about 3 days of being consistent on your new walking program. By the way that doctor looked like he was about 80 years old, and still going strong. As I said at the time I was about 20 and I felt that I was healthy. And I say that to say this, there's always room for improvement, no matter how healthy you thing you are or how this or how that always reach for the top level of heaven. As we all know we can never physically touch that top level from earth so, what does that mean? It means that if your goal is the top level of heaven and you know that you can't reach it from here, then you will spend the rest of your life reaching for higher heights. We should seek to better ourselves from the craddle to the grave. Don't forget to do a good deed today. Peace!! I welcome all comments and feed back so feel free to comment with any ideas, suggestions, rants & raves or whatever else is on your mind at the time. Just remember to please keep it clean.