Aloe Vera

Good Morning Everybody.Today's topic is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is known worldwide for it's healing properties. The inter part of the aloe vera plant or the gel is rich in over 200 nutrients known to be beneficial to mankind. According to some studies, aloe vera is one of the oldest known therapeutic herbs. The enzymes in aloe vera softens skin and fight the effects of aging. It has been reported that aloe vera has been widely used in the Holistic medicinal treatment of the HIV virus. It supposedly shields the virus from entering one cell of the body to the next, therefore preventing the virus from spreading throughout the body. Aloe vera is also believed to boost the immune system by balancing the pH of the blood and increases digestion and absorption. Aloe vera is also instrumental in the treatment of burns. There are a number of other uses for aloe vera, both internally and externally. Some of these uses include: bleeding, digestion, eczema, insect bites, stomach problems and tuberculosis, just to name a few. From the sounds of this, aloe vera is one of those heal all herbs and should be kept around the house at all times. It sounds like aloe vera can be taken periodically as a preventative supplement to maintain good health, and to avoid any of the serious conditions that aloe vera is used to treat. So in your quest for good health today, do me and yourself a favor, do a good deed. Remember GOD willing, a good deed replaces a bad one, and they say what goes around comes around. And I know when whatever comes around to me, I sure want it to be good. Have a great day!! Click here http://astore.amazon.com/heame-20 and buy you and/or your loved ones something nice today.

Phrase of the Day: People say that they believe in GOD with there mouths, but their actions show something totally different. If a person really believes in GOD, then he/she would do their utmost to follow what they know of GOD's commands, whether openly or secretly, preferably secretly, so that your actions will testify for you, and not your mouth. If you are obedient to GOD you stand a far better chance of your prayers getting answered. So ask yourself what are your actions saying for you? Are they testifying for you or against you?

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