Garlic Power

Good Morning Everybody. This morning's topic is garlic. Described as the "King of the Vegetable Kingdom", by Paavo Airola a leading authority in biological medicine, garlic has some of the most beneficial properties of any vegetable or herb that I've ever read about. Garlic has been written about for centuries for it's medicinal properties. It can be used extensively for disease prevention. Internally garlic can be used against infections of all kind. Garlic is known as a natural anti-biotic, without the side effects of drugs that kill all life within the body. When the plagues ravaged Europe early on in history, most of the people ate garlic daily as a protection from the disease. Garlic also has been said to inhibit the activities of the parasitic fungus associated with AIDS. As with this and all other Herbs there are to many ailments that garlic has an affect on to list here. This particular vegetable/herb deserves more of an in depth look than I can provide here. For anyone interested in knowing all the reported benefits of this vegetable/herb please visit your health food store or use the power of the computer, please be sure to share your findings. Here are just a few of the benefits abtained by using this wonderful herb: anti-fungus, antibiotic (natural penicillin), anti-viral, arthritis, asthma, blood poisoning, blood pressure (high), heart, and yeast infection. As I stated earlier there are more benefits left to talk about than I mentioned here, so if you are really into health and you like what you've read here about the benefits of garlic, then don't hesitate to do a little research (google/health food store), you will probably be glad you did. So in your quest for good health today, do me and yourself a favor, do a good deed. Remember GOD willing a good deed cancels out a bad one. Have a great day. Click here http://astore.amazon.com/heame-20 and browse the store for great gift ideas or something for yourself.

Thought of the Day: The best speech you can give is by your actions. Instead of telling a person what to do show them. And continue to show them by the way you live your life.

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