An Apple a Day

Good Morning, Everybody. They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I wonder why this phrase was coined. Is it because of the laxative type of reaction that your body has after eating one, or is because of the fiber and other vitamins and/or minerals contained there in? Maybe this is a good debate question. From my personal experience, I've found that an apple, an orange and a bananna eaten together has a greater effect on the bowels than just an apple alone. You know the word is that, a person should go to the rest room after each meal. This is supposed to assure us of the proper cleansing of the colon, and hopefully aiding us in the self prevention of colon cancer. For many of us is this actually happening? Are we even aware of this theory? If we were aware of it, how many of us would strive to adhere to it? We say we want to live healthier but we never take steps toward accomplishing this goal. Good health is not going to seek us out and force us to accept it. We've got to go out a find it and become friends with it. Let's not wait until the doctor forces us to make lifestyle changes, let's volunteer them and welcome them into our lives. So in your quest for a healthier you, don't forget to do a good deed. GOD willing a good deed cancels out a bad one. Have a blessed day!! And if you can afford it click on the link below and go shopping.


Phrase of the Day:Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream. If you want to turn your dreams into a reality, then turn your face towards GOD and actively pursue your dreams like there is no tommorow.

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